Frequently Asked Questions
+ Is Don Mills Family Health Team a walk-in clinic?
No, Don Mills Family Health Team is not a walk-in clinic. Similar to any family practice, you are required to make an appointment with your doctor or any other member of our interdisciplinary health care team.
+ What type of appointments are offered?
We have two types appointments: pre-booked appointments and same-day booked appointments.
Pre-booked Appointments: Based on availability and nature of your visit (for example, annual physical appointments or follow-ups).
Same Day Appointments: To better meet our patient’s needs and reduce ER visits for primary care purposes, each provider has set aside time for patients to book appointments on the same day that they call. Same day appointments must still be booked by phone call in advance, and are booked based on a first-call, first-book basis, starting at 9:00 am.
+ Will I always see my family doctor at my appointment?
Not necessarily. Sometimes you will see another member of our interdisciplinary team, such as a nurse practitioner, when a doctor’s services are not required. You may also see another doctor on the team if your own doctor is away at the time of your appointment. Whenever this happens, the other doctor will have your full medical history available in order to provide you with the same level of continuing care as you would have received from your own doctor. Of course, you can also schedule your appointments for when your doctor is available.
+ I don’t currently have a family doctor. Can I sign up with the Don Mills Family Health Team to be rostered to a family Doctor?
No, Don Mills Family Health Team is not actively recruiting patients at this time. If you’re existing enrolled patient and like to register for your family member, contact us at 416-444-6161 to book an appointment to register.
+ Can I use your other services if I am not rostered to one of your family doctors?
In order to provide our community members with equitable access to healthcare services, our interdisciplinary services (for example, registered dietitian or social worker) are open to community members even if you are not rostered to one of our family doctors.
+ Are there after-hours services available?
Yes. Our after-hours services include: After-hours Clinic Wednesday evenings from 5pm-8pm, and Urgent Care Clinic Saturday mornings from 9am-12pm.
Appointments to our after-hours services still must be booked in advance.
+ Do I need to bring my healthcard to appointments?
Yes. Please bring your Ontario government health card (Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan (OHIP) card) and give it to the receptionist when you arrive. If you have changed your address or your telephone number, please notify the receptionist. Check the expiry date on your card and arrange for a new one before it expires.
You must notify the OHIP office if your card is lost, stolen, if you have a change of address or if your card expired. You can call OHIP at 1-866-532-3161 (ServiceOntario INFOline).
+ What should I do if I cannot make it to an appointment?
Please call 416-444-6161 to cancel or reschedule an appointment ASAP. We understand that there are times when you have to miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for work or family. However, when you are not able to call to cancel an appointment, this could prevent someone else from being seen by a provider of our health team. We sincerely ask for your understanding regarding the following late cancellation and missed appointment policy.
Any missed appointment without a 24 hour (1 business day) cancellation notice will be recorded in the patient chart.
First missed appointment: Verbal notice
Second missed appointment: Warning letter
Third missed appointment: $50 will be charged
+ Is there parking available at your location?
Yes. There is a dedicated lot at our location at 20 Wynford Dr. The rate is flat rate of $4.00.
You can drop off or wait to pick up passengers in front of the clinic on Gervais Dr., although standing is not permitted for more than a few minutes. There is no parking in Wynford Dr. or Gervais Dr. anywhere close to the clinic.
Alternatively, you can drop off or wait to pick up passengers from the parking lot at no charge as long as you do not stay on the lot for more than 10 minutes.
+ Can I take public transit to get to your location?
Yes. The TTC provides regular bus service to our clinic at 20 Wynford Drive (corner of Wynford Dr. and Gervais Dr. just northeast of the corner of Don Mills Rd. and Eglinton Ave.).
For more information go to http://www.ttc.ca.
+ How is the Don Mills Family Health Team run?
The Don Mills Family Health Team is community-led. The Board of the DMFHT includes members of the Don Mills community and others who are interested in advancing primary health care and health promotion programs and services in Don Mills and area.
The Board is supported by a community advisory group made up of representatives from various local health and wellness organizations as well as other community organizations.
The day-to-day operation of the Don Mills Family Health Team is overseen by an Executive Director assisted by a Medical Director, who is also the Team’s lead physician.